Hi, wau diam tak diam dah 33 hari. Alhamdulillah I still stick with my new routine but it just that I am so busy with my schedule, so agak lama tak update blog.
Alhamdulillah, dah nampak sedikit progress after 33 days. My face nampak lebih kecil, inchloss ketara from 3XL to XL. Now, I'm targeting myself to achieve size M on Febuary 2020.It's already 2nd December 2019, so which means ada lagi 28 hari untuk menjengah tahun 2020. Dah siap sedia dengan Wawasan 2020? What is your vision and mission for 2020? It's never too late to start now. Start with small habits and continue it for 90 days and then you will reborn.
Like myself I already started listing my target for 2020 on August 2019. Let me show you what I've already list on. I buat beberapa kategori and I ensure that everything is balance such as my spiritual target, my relationship target, my income target, career, financial, myself etc. Ada podcast yang saya dengar, kita kena list kan ikut jenis kategori ini supaya kehidupan kita balance and after I buat listing nie bau I nampak ke arah mana I nak achieve. I pun dah buat to-do-list for my daily target and it helps me to focus and be productive.
I am grateful that I was surrounded with my strong inner circle so it helps me to transform to the new me. Alhamdulillah ini semua rezeki dari Allah. Syukur sealu.
By the way, intermittent fasting still diteruskan including puasa daud dan puasa sunat walaupun adakalanya kelaut juga, But at least I'm persistent. Esok akan berpuasa, buat dry fasting untuk cepatkan proses weight loss.
Semalam, I had my dinner at Ibu Silvana's clan and it was delicious. Nasi ayam penyet masakan ibu sangat sedap. Bukan mudah nak merasa masakan ibu kepada Jovian Mandagie. Apa apa pun syukur selalu. Ini semua rezeki dari Allah. Alhamdulillah.
Ke arah Wawasan 2020 yang cemerlang. Belanja gambar sekejap. Gamabr ke konsert Cuckoo last 2 weeks ago and it was fun.
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