04 November 2019

7th Day of 100 Days Transformation

Hi, eh why suddenly jump to the 7th day? Where is the 5th and 6th day? Well, to be honest I have some major problem with the WiFi during the weekends and only by today the WiFi is already okay. Plus, usually on weekends I'm busy with Ally Cuci Cuci Services, so whenever I'm home from work, I already exhausted. Trust me, it's ain't easy actually when you have to juggle with 2-3 jobs especially when you lived in the metropolitan.
By the way, if you want to hire someone to do the cleaning, please feel free to visit our page, Ally Cuci Cuci Services or just whatsapp to my number, +60105749786. I will give you the quotation for the slot.
Back to our topic, today I failed to do the dry fasting as I was planned because this week we are having the appreciation week, so we do expect to have free breakfast, free lunch and free dinner from our beloved customers. Alhamdulillah, for the rezeki.
So, I just able to do the intermittent fasting for 12 hours only, alhamdulillah. For breakfast, I ate Mcdonald's breakfast set with chocolate ice. For tea time, Boost Juice with few bites of ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah,alhamdulillah for the rezeki.
For lunch and dinner, I  ate the daging masak merah stail Alor Setar, together with air asam, kuah kari, sayur campur and telur dadar. It was so good and yummy. Tea time, I have tuna sandwich. Wow, this is why I need to fast, because it's food heaven at here and it is hard to resist. Now, you know why I am so eager to do the dry fasting on weekdays instead of water fasting. Lol. Anyway, syukur selalu. Alhamdulillah.
Today, I don't do any exercises but I hit my 10,000 steps for today. Syukur alhamdulillah. Hopefully I will improve more by tomorrow. And I can't wait to know what food we will have for tomorrow. Syukur alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for the rezeki.

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