Why I decide to change? It is never late to change. There's no time frame to change but believe me, it is the right time to change. I used to be depressed, I don't love myself, self doubt, insecure as I come from tough background family and it's complicated. But until when I want to live in this condition? So, that's why I am so eager to change as I already fed up and I cannot blame everything as everything comes from Allah. Allah knows the best for me and I have to redha. But redha bukan sekadar redha, Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Penyayang. Allah beri sedikit kepahitan untuk merasai kemanisan. Setiap masalah pasti ada solusinya.Allah akan tunjuk lorong jalannya kepada Hamba Nya yang ingin merubah and I choose the path to change.
Moga Allah beriku kerajinan dan kekuatan untuk konsisten sehingga ke hari yang 100. Why I choose the 100 instead of 30? It takes 21 days to build habits and 90 days to build lifestyle. So the formula is 7:21:90, you start with 7 days first, then continue for 21 days and consistent for 90 days to build new lifestyle, the new self image of you.
So, I have another 3 days to complete my new 7 days of new habits, then later on will continue to 21 days and consistently repeat it until 100 days. All the best for me.
What I have for dinner after doing dry fasting for 4th day:
- Nasi Ambeng
- Roti sosej
- Kek coklat
- Biskut pie coklat with strawberry filling
- Sky juice
- Nasi Lemak
So far exercise belum sempat buat tapi I memang bergerak lebih 10,000 langkah untuk hari ini. Ouh man, kena cari kekuatan untuk bersenam semula. Cannot delay for so long, later on malas nanti. Remember the formula 7:21:90.
Okay, that's all for today. Good night.
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